"Get ready until Lei Batian arrives at our village. The castellan must join hands to leave him here and let him know that we are awesome."


Chapter 36 Black Hawk
"Poop …"
A bird look like a crow flitted across that treetop and fell into the palm of a person’s hand.
The man took a crow’s leg and tied it with stationery to show his face, and immediately changed his body and jumped towards the nearby courtyard.
There are several people waiting together in the courtyard bamboo pavilion.
People with letterhead in hand rush to rush way
"Qin Dage is not good, San Niang failed to escape, and the white girl was caught by Zhou’s identity!"
In the field, a white man with an elegant appearance and extraordinary temperament suddenly got up when he heard the color change.
"Baifeng, San Niang …"
"Where are they now? I am going to save people! "
"Qin Xiong" a bearded man quickly stretched out his hand and stopped him.
"Don’t rush to the thunder axe. Zhou Jiafei is not easy. There are still many decepticons around us to help the dark guards. We are suspected of dying!"
"Yes" a woman nodded in the field.
"Qin Xiong’s heart is chaotic in the past, even in the middle of the other party’s trap. I think this matter should take a long-term view."
"But not so long." The man with the letter said with bitterness.
"The name of Zhou is going to get her hands on the white girl tonight, especially for the Liu family. If she can’t find us one day, she will be killed."
Beard man eyes a shrink.
"Good diabolical means!"
A few people naturally trust Liu Sanniang, otherwise they won’t let each other arrange a hiding place, but in the face of raising people’s lives, will she keep it a secret or even say two things?
"I can’t stay here!" The woman looks gloomy.
"We need to move to other places as soon as possible."
"no!" Qin Guyan shook his head.
"You go, I’m going to save Bai Feng and San Niang."
"Qin Xiong" beard nu way
"You’re confused. Isn’t it death to go with a trap?"
"Don’t you go to death?" Qin Guyan side head with dignified eyes with a firm throw Youdao.
"Bai Feng is Qin’s favorite person, San Niang, and I am grateful to know that they were killed. Can Qin ask for protection and ignore it?"
"It’s better to die than to live like this!"
A quiet in the field
"That’s right!"
The recipient nodded heavily.
"I’ve had enough of this timidity. I’m going to die sooner or later anyway. They’ll just fight for it!"
"Qin Xiong …" Beard eyes flashing suddenly drink.
"Good one didn’t see the wrong person, good blood, good hero. Since Qin Xiong intends to do this, I will accompany you."
"and me!"
"and me!"
"Life and death together!"
Pavilion all passionate have promised.
Qin guyan shook his head and refused.
"This matter because of me, you can’t because of qin a person bring trouble, etc? This matter must not be done! "
"Are you looking down on us?" Female angry drink
"I dare not!"
Qin Guyan hurriedly motioning with his hand.
"Since it’s not, you need to say more." Whiskers stuffy way.
"I’ve been waiting for you to die alone since I’ve made good friends. Today, the surname Zhou Yu is a bigger foe!"

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