Duan Yanxian sat down on the right side of the swing, and his right hand caught the swing. The green vine just set aside one for Xiao to ask on the left side of the body.


Xiao asked that his right hand was still being held by Duan Yan’s small hand. He had to stretch his left hand first to try whether the green vine was strong and then crustily skin of head sat down.
The green vines on both sides of the swing "creaked" and sank slightly, but they didn’t break after all. Thank God …
The swing at the wind is slightly swinging, but it is quite stable.
This lasted for several times, and Xiao Wen was completely relieved to know that the swing was quite strong, so he could swing more vigorously, so that he didn’t have to touch the ground to make a little use of the flying avatar to make great power.
The swing swings higher and higher. Duan Yan is already a little scared. Where do you dare to catch Xiao Wen’s hand again? Simply put his left arm around Xiao Wen’s waist and buckle his small hand on Xiao Wen’s waist.
Xiao Wen, too, put her right arm around Duan Yan’s shoulder. That girl was afraid.
There are stars, moons, light clouds, lakes, swings and two people who are completely immersed in their own little happiness. For a moment, it seems that the whole world is left with them.
After a long time, the swing finally slowed down, and the two of them slowly swayed and talked about other things.
It’s just a little bit past, and it’s still an hour before dawn. It’s natural that Xiao asked not to rest at night, but Duan Yan certainly couldn’t hold on to Xiao asked the sidewalk, "Go home, or you won’t have J and jīng God."
Duan Yan asked Xiao, simply bidding, and immediately nodded and replied, "Well"
Two people naturally came from the swing. Xiao Wen took Duan Yan and walked outward. However, Xiao Wen really wanted to experience the feeling of hugging Duan Yan again. He suddenly turned around and hugged Duan Yan in some startled situations.
Duan Yan was frightened, but she came here in vain. This is why she asked her brother to loathe her … In fact, where did she want to leave? She couldn’t wait to be bored with Xiao Wen all the time, so her hand immediately and naturally put Xiao Wen back tightly.
But what happened next, Duan Yan was a little overwhelmed. Xiao Wen once again slowly deflected his head and moved his mouth to her cheek. Soon, he reached her left ear again and touched it again. However, because he had had an experience, Duan Yan groaned gently and did not hide. Xiao Wen did not stop, but continued to move to Duan Yan’s cheek.
Duan Yan’s skin is not like a jelly, but it is also white, tender, smooth and elastic. Besides, she is very nervous now, and her face is actually very hot. For example, this is a great stimulus for Xiao Wen, the old virgin. He didn’t dare to kiss Duan Yan’s cheek directly, but he let his face lightly stick to Duan Yan’s hot and bright, and slowly rubbed back and forth. That strange stimulus almost made Duan Yan tremble all over, slightly raised his head and eyes, and Duan Yan was elegant and beautiful. It’s a pity that Xiao Wen’s face was almost beautiful in the moonlight.
Xiao Wen is a younger brother after men and women’s affairs, but some things are really self-taught. His face rubs back and forth against Duan Yan’s delicate and hot face, and gradually slides closer and closer to Duan Yan’s mouth …
Finally, when the distance is close enough, the friction comes to an end again. Xiao Wen’s mouth touched Duan Yan’s tempting lip angle!
"Ah …"
Two people are light shout a xiao asked a blood rushed very anxious to directly Duan Yan that meat doodle extremely tempting lips immediately, horse into his mouth to accelerate the initiative to ask for! Duan Yan, however, didn’t groan in horror, but suddenly turned her head and didn’t push Xiao Wen, but buried her head deeply in Xiao Wen’s shoulder.
"Ask elder brother I’m afraid" Duan Yan sound like gnats.
Xiao Wen was so anxious that he got angry, but he didn’t dare to expect it. After all, it was Duan Yan’s first kiss, and of course it was him …
Then Xiao Wen patted Duan Yan on the back, saying, "Don’t be afraid it will happen sooner or later …"
"Well" Duan Yan naturally knows that she can’t escape the fact sooner or later, and she herself has some expectations that she is passive.
After a while, Xiao asked the thief not to die, and his head tilted down Duan Yan’s cheek and slowly attacked her lips.
Duan Yan seems to have accepted her fate, but it is still difficult to restrain her body tension. When Xiao Wen’s lips are getting closer and closer to her, her arm will involuntarily leave Xiao Wen’s back. At this time, she is quite uneasy and afraid of wanting some security, but it is Xiao Wen’s uneasiness and fear that naturally leads her to stop hugging Xiao Wen to find security. Her two hands can’t reach out in the middle to catch a lifeline, and then quite unexpectedly, her left hand touches a swing vine. She only took two steps after coming from the swing, just before Xiao Wen’s original position. It is only normal that she can touch that vine at this time.
Duan Yan conveniently took hold of the green vine heart and finally calmed down. At this moment, the lips of the two people have touched each other. Xiao Wen is making further efforts to expand the touching area …
At this moment, even the meniscus in the sky seems to be ashamed to get into the cloud.
Two people hug to each other in front of the swing, even if they go from Xiao Wen’s back, they can know that they are kissing.
As time went by, Duan Yan’s left hand finally grasped the green vine to relieve her tension.
But is kissing really a nervous thing? Slowly, Yan is also fascinated.
At a certain moment, Duan Yan’s little hand finally loosened the green vine and slowly landed on Xiao Wen’s back.
Not surprisingly, this night, even the last hour before dawn, they got bored together …
Then came the time to pay the price. Duan Yan had work to do. Naturally, she couldn’t be the shopkeeper of cutting to rest, and she had to beat J and jīng God to do it.
At this time, Xiao Wen simply followed Duan Yanxian to get familiar with what Yan Dou was going to do, and let Duan Yan stay for today, and then let Duan Yan go to sleep, and he stayed to replace Duan Yan himself.
But even so, when Duan Yan pulled away, it was almost noon. She didn’t wake up today, and staying up late was too much for her.
After Duan Yan left, Xiao Wen failed to meditate. He was not familiar with Duan Yan’s meticulous style, but he made mistakes in his busy schedule.
Now, after all, the Zhengxian Club is on the right track, which is a bit like a government agency. Like Duan Yan and Xiao Wen, the husband’s wife’s position has not been replaced. In fact, the influence is not very good. What’s more, Xiao Wen is still the signature figure of Zhengxian Club? Even if others can understand him, he is embarrassed himself.
That is, from this day, Xiao asked for the first time that he had the idea of leaving Zhengxianhui.

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