And a group of fleet before the completion of the green bite first launched an attack green bite army came to this biological world.


Although they tried their best to resist, large green fog still swept their world.
Finally, the remaining residents fled to a small number of ships they had built and tried to escape to the virtual space.
There are also many residents hiding in places like shelters, and their leaders try to contact Phoenix to help them escape from here.
Phoenix certainly didn’t do that.
Instead, they destroyed the residents’ boats on the grounds that they were afraid that there would be green fog mixed in and spread to other places.
Moreover, when the Phoenix came to this world, it was already ready … They have placed a lot of radio bombs in this world to prevent the world from being invaded by the green bite.
When the creatures were still asking for help, Phoenix turned on the radio bomb and attracted a whirlwind to invade all the green fog in the world.
At the same time, the whirlwind also leveled the biological city and the text.
I lost the creature Phoenix, so I tried to find another way … and Phoenix soon thought of a good way.
They don’t need to directly attract the whirlwind into the world occupied by the green bite, but they can attract it in vain … Just let the whirlwind act as their shield.
However, the broadcast bomb must have a large green fog environment to send a whirlwind signal that attracts the whole star.
In order to solve this problem, Phoenix has benefited from whirlwind, another material solution.
This kind of material is very common in virtual reality. They first send this kind of material information by radio bombs to attract cyclones near the green-eating world, and then slowly attract them forward until they enter the green-eating world.
If they had thought of this plan long ago, those individual creatures would not have been swept flat by the whirlwind
But these schemes are not actually thought of by Phoenix, but are … individual creatures.
When Phoenix first came into contact with these individuality creatures and published their battle plans, the individuality creatures had many ideas.
Most of these ideas were conceived by civilians, because Phoenix announced its war plan to the world.
After the publication, the whole world people discussed and discussed, and there were many creatures discussing their feelings about the battle plan.
Most of the discussions are about what these phoenixes are up to, but some people have come up with … many alternative plans.
Of course, this is a civilian discussion, and it has not been adopted. The world leaders directly decided that Phoenix had already decided … They were cannon fodder schemes, and of course they didn’t know or recognize themselves as cannon fodder.
However, Phoenix later investigated their ruins and found many civilians’ comments about the war.
Then Phoenix decided to use tactics in the message.
This is also why Phoenix is interested in sex creatures … one.
Chapter two thousand four hundred and thirty New feeling
"We finally ended all this …"
Green eats the whole star … but now they are also eaten.
Phoenix ended this creature.
Several cyclones surrounded the green bite and invaded every world, sweeping away all the green fog.
Although the green bite has fought back, they can’t destroy these huge creatures that have already spread all over the stars.
Phoenix dropped’ broadcast bombs’ on all the green-eating fleets in all the places where there are green-eating …
When the last world occupied by the green bite was cleaned up by the whirlwind … the battle also came to an end.
This is a moment worth celebrating for Phoenix.
They finally defeated the terror of the invading star … At least it was terrible for most creatures in the star.

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