Starflame people seem to have no interest in studying this creature. They keep moving forward.


Lin also continued to follow them.
However, Lin found something strange, that is, these people became shorter.
They are about three millimeters shorter than before, which seems to mean that their armor … is deformed? They didn’t notice it themselves
Suddenly there was a sound in the distance, and a star flame people’s body was flying out at this moment.
Chapter three thousand and ninety-six Exchange Office
"Kill them all!"
Lin found that the biological species here are quite rich.
Now star flame people in front of a large group of creatures with weapons.
This group of creatures looks like a group of people with a bust, and their’ hands’ look like two small guns.
To be exact, it is an ice cannon because it emits an ice blue sphere.
There is such a large group of creatures floating out from behind a semi-surface ship in the distance.
Moreover, they shoot at the Starflame people with two small cannons at the same time.
The ammunition they shoot out is quite powerful, which can directly blow the Starflame people out … but it doesn’t make sense.
Starflame people didn’t suffer much damage after being shot away.
And other star flame people have attacked them while avoiding their barrage.
As usual, the star flame people waved their swords and easily cut these biological bodies and killed them one by one.
These creatures are different. They know … fear.
Star flame people launched a powerful offensive, and as soon as they scattered, they fled in different directions
And the star flame people found that these creatures escaped and pulled them out. They never used weapons on their backs.
This weapon looks very much like a kind of … rifle used by Kirshnikov.
And they make it the same way as rifles. Starflame people aim at the escaping creatures around them and burst into flames with the muzzle.
The orange barrage swept all living things at a very high speed, and they were smashed into pieces in an instant.
Unlike rifles, Lin found that these people had a lot of weapons and ammunition … They kept shooting for dozens of seconds.
Until all the creatures here are killed.
Actually, I didn’t kill them all, but I left the last one
Mainly Lin told them to stop attacking because Lin thought these creatures looked intelligent.
Maybe we can ask them what they ask.
Star flame people don’t think it’s necessary to ask … So they move on after killing.
While Lin’s pompoms stayed and floated to the last remaining creature.
This creature is now in a small snow mound, which seems to be completely afraid to move because a large number of similar people around it have knocked it down one after another.
The fluffy ball flew to it first, and then the translator tried to send some signals to it.
If the goal is that the translator can’ recognize’ the creature, it will automatically convert the Lynn signal into the other language.
At present, Lin hasn’t fully understood how many kinds of creatures the translator has recorded, but it seems to be more than all the species in the Star Alliance.
Translators don’t send out their’ language’ to most biological signals, but send out some signals that their brains can directly receive.
Lynn found that the translator responded, and it sent some special signals.
And the other side also received these signals and looked at the pompoms at that moment.
Although this creature looks like Ershimin, its face doesn’t look like … It has an eyeball and no other organs.

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