The name of this sword sounds impressive. I believe it must be a peerless sword!


Dugu Liuli is more excited!
After the demonstration, a rusty sword fell out.
You are kidding!
Is a rusty sword like this called Ruyi Sword?
Mu Yihuai smiled. "It’s just level one. What good things can there be?"
Mu Yixi also smiled, "This is terrible."
Then two people are surrounded by entourage.
They have a loud voice, and it is difficult for Gu Liuli not to want to hear it. Today, she is a Jin Jiesuo and doesn’t want to make trouble.
Everyone knows that glass dugu is waste, but they don’t know what glass dugu looks like.
"Don’t be sad, little girl. This rusty sword can also help you cut Warcraft, right?" Grandpa smilingly said
Coloured glaze dugu smiled reluctantly. "Yes, if you can’t cut off the head of Warcraft, you can cut their heads."
Grandpa smiled and handed it to her. "That’s right. Many people are promoted to level 3, but it’s not necessarily true that they have swords. The little girl has a sword for the first time, but she must treat it well. Come and sign it."
Get a broken sword and sign it?
How long did you wave her with this broken sword?
Dugu Liuli said that she really wanted to kick this broken sword!
"Grandpa still needs to sign?" Coloured glaze dugu laughs uglier than cries.
"Of course, we have to sign the award to the little girl to sign it and continue to pick it up. Grandpa is optimistic about you!"
All right, sign it
Coloured glaze dugu depressed to write his name and then the wishful sword to continue to pick up.
"Dugu glass?"
"Is the name Little Girl misspelled?"
The poor old man was surprised to find that this little girl dared to sign Miss Wu’s name only after Gu Liuli went far away!
"The little girl doesn’t want this sword and doesn’t pretend to be Miss Wu’s name, does she?"
Grandpa said he was going to cry. Chapter 19 refreshed all records.
Dugu coloured glaze continues to rush.
"Just at the beginning of the promotion level fighters don’t rest will rush again? Miss, are you sure you still have that strength? " The assessment teacher looked at her in disbelief.
Coloured glaze dugu nodded "I’m sure"
Mu Yixi and Mu Yihui saw the glazed dugu in the rest area and walked to the assessment area.
"Sister Wu, doesn’t she rest?"
Mu Yihuai sneered, "Just try to be brave. Many people can’t make jokes because of trying to be brave."
Two people have just passed the first-level fighters, and if they don’t have a good rest and have no chance of winning, they won’t rush to assess.
There are many family members in the rest area, such as Zhaojiazhuang, Yejiabao and Yunjiabao among the five major families.
Because Dugubao is in the center of the city, everyone who wants to be assessed must come here to assess.
The assessment teachers are all carefully selected outstanding elites from five families.
Many people are unyielding to their fate, and many people come to check every day.
"Miss, I advise you to take a rest. The one in my family was impatient and didn’t take a good rest, but …"
An old woman who came to check up wanted to persuade her when she saw that the little girl was impatient, but the old woman didn’t finish her words, so she took it.
In the first level, fighters need to kill a Warcraft in an assessment area. What’s so difficult? It’s simple, okay!
Mu Yihuai sneered "Look at her acute"
Mu Yixi "It won’t look good when you come out later."
It’s a small tiger that Dugu Liuli wants to kill. It’s about three years old and it hasn’t grown up yet.
Dugu coloured glaze three two will knock the tiger out and then the tiger will come out.
"Congratulations on breaking the record."
"Isn’t it? Breaking the record again? "
"Is this too exaggerated?"
"Who is that girl? So powerful. "
"Oh, my God, she can win the lottery again."
"It’s so unfair that we have failed this trip several times!"

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